Pneumatic Primary Sample
CLEAN SWEEP® Series IV pneumatic samplers represent the state-of-the-art in sweep sampler design. The CLEAN SWEEP® AutoSampler™ is a top-of-the-belt sweep sampler designed to mount to the top chord of a conveyor and normally retrofit to the conveyor truss between existing 35-degree idlers. The Series IV pneumatics provide for higher speeds, lower operating pressures, and reduced maintenance. JBLCo provides complete, pre-assembled and pre-tested equipment directly from JBLCo’s factory.
When supplied from a proper air source, the CLEAN SWEEP® Series IV primary sampler utilizes pneumatic stored energy to obtain the greatest speed, power and control of any sweep sampler made. The Divider/Sweep is powered all the way through its 360-degree rotation, crossing the loaded conveyor being sampled in less than 0.125 seconds on most belt sizes and loads. Articulated contoured support (or contour idlers) provides resilient support to compensate for sag between idlers on heavily loaded belts. Available for belt widths from 48” to 96”.
CUT CYCLE: CLEAN SWEEP® samplers employ an open faced rotating Divider/Sweep (cutter) operating in a 360-degree arc perpendicular to material flow on the belt conveyor to divide and sweep sample increments from the moving, loaded conveyor.
Below is the process that the sampler takes: